Monday, November 7, 2011

Holiday travel safety

Holiday celebrations can be fun times for family and friends to get together, but only when all persons have arrived and returned safely. Remember that during the holidays many drivers are distracted or in a hurry. This demands that you be more alert than normal to avoid an accident.

With the holiday season drawing near, motorists need to take a little extra care so that they arrive at their destination safely. Below are a few tips to make your holiday travels safer.

·         Before starting your trip, make sure your vehicle is tuned up and ready for travel. This is especially important for winter driving conditions.

·         Make sure you and your passengers are using their seat belts and small children are in their car safety seats securely. The rear seat is the safest place for children of any age to ride.

·         If possible, leave early to avoid peak traffic hours. If snow or ice is predicted during the time you plan to travel, change your schedule. It is better to reschedule holiday celebrations than to risk the lives of traveling family or friends. 

·         Make sure you are well rested and fresh before you start your travels. To say fresh and alert, take breaks. If you get tired, pull off the road into a rest area or business, get out of the car for some fresh air and maybe get a bite to eat and something to drink, or just relax until you feel revived. If that doesn’t work, find a hotel or campground where you can spend the night.

·         Try to keep your speed down and leave plenty of distance to vehicles around you so that you have time to react. Let impatient and aggressive drivers pass so that you control the situation.

·         Do not pass if you cannot see enough road to make the pass safely.

·         If there will be drinking at your holiday celebration, be sure to choose a designated driver who will remain alcohol free. 

·         Do not use you cell phone in anyway while driving. Pull over in a safe place if you need to use the phone.

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** Please note that this is for general information only **